Dual Language
Dual Language programs are important as they promote bilingualism and cultural diversity, allowing students to develop proficiency in multiple languages from an early age.
Our two Dual Language programs are one way that makes P.S. 145 unique. We follow an alternate day model within our Dual Language programs, where students receive instruction in English or in the target language (Spanish or Russian) depending on the day schedule.

About the Russian Program
Дорогие друзья! Добро пожаловать в двуязычную программу 145 школы Блумингдейл. Меня зовут Татьяна Сирман. Я преподаю в пятом классе и работаю координатором русской программы.
Удовлетворение академических и социальных потребностей учащихся посредством поочередного преподавания предметов на русском и английском языках является основной задачей обучения и воспитания в нашей школе.
Мы стремимся научить детей читать, писать, разговаривать и думать на русском и английском языках. Программа призвана обеспечить благоприятную академическую и эмоциональную среду для успешного развития потенциала учащихся.
Все педагоги, работающие в двуязычных классах, в совершенстве владеют английским и русским. Жизненный опыт, знание культурных традиций, доброта и терпение учителей делают нашу программу эффективной для учеников и важной для общины.
Мы постоянно расширяем школьную библиотеку новой литературой на русском языке. Учителя повышают квалификацию, перенимая опыт коллег и изучая новые технологии.
Если у Вас возникли вопросы о русскоязычной программе школы #145, пожалуйста, обращайтесь по электронной почте tsirman@schools.nyc.gov или
Welcome to the Russian Dual Language Program at P.S. 145, the Bloomingdale School! My name is Tetyana Sirman. I am a fifth-grade teacher and RDLP Coordinator at P.S. 145.
The mission of our Dual Language program is meeting the academic and social needs of children by teaching them according to a 50/50 model: one day in English, the next in Russian.
The program is designed to provide a nurturing environment, prompting students to develop their potential to the fullest. Our goal is helping students become bilingual and biliterate in both languages.
All teachers working in the RDLP are fluent in English and Russian. Life experience, cultural knowledge, kindness and patience of faculty make our program effective for students and important for the community.
As teachers, we are a community of learners ourselves. We are constantly expanding the school library with authentic literature in Russian. Teachers develop their professional skills by learning from colleagues and adopting new technologies.
If you have any questions about RDLP at P.S. 145, please contact me at tsirman@schools.nyc.gov or
About the Spanish Program
¡Bienvenidos! Mi nombre es Veronica Chan y estoy orgullosa de ser parte de la comunidad escolar de PS 145M como maestra y Coordinadora del Programa de Lenguaje Dual en Español.
Nuestro Programa de Lenguaje Dual en Español es una piedra angular de nuestro enfoque educativo, atendiendo a estudiantes desde Pre-K hasta el 5º grado.
Nuestro programa está diseñado para proporcionar a los estudiantes un ambiente de aprendizaje acogedor donde puedan participar en experiencias de aprendizaje rigurosas, divertidas y prácticas. Nuestro objetivo final es ayudar a los estudiantes a convertirse en bilingües y alfabetizados en español e inglés.
Todos nuestros maestros del programa son completamente bilingües, aportando una gran cantidad de conocimiento y riqueza cultural a nuestras aulas. A lo largo de los años, hemos mejorado continuamente nuestros métodos de enseñanza y hemos reunido numerosos recursos multilingües de varios países de habla hispana. Estos recursos mejoran el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y les brindan una exposición significativa a su cultura de origen.
Nuestro programa de lenguaje dual ha sido una parte vibrante de nuestra comunidad y escuela durante muchos años, fomentando el amor por el aprendizaje y la apreciación cultural en nuestros estudiantes. Estoy emocionada de contribuir al éxito y crecimiento continuo de este programa.
No dudes en contactarme a vchan25@schools.nyc.gov o
Welcome! My name is Veronica Chan, and I am proud to be a part of the P.S. 145M school community as both a teacher and the Spanish Dual Language Program Coordinator.
Our Spanish Dual Language Program is a cornerstone of our educational approach, serving students from Pre-K through 5th grade.
Our program is designed to provide students with a nurturing learning environment where they can engage in rigorous, enjoyable, and hands-on learning experiences. Our ultimate goal is to help students become bilingual and biliterate in both Spanish and English.
All of our program teachers are fully bilingual, bringing a wealth of knowledge and cultural richness to our classrooms. Over the years, we have continuously improved our teaching methods and gathered numerous multilingual resources from various Spanish-speaking countries. These resources enhance student learning and provide meaningful exposure to their heritage culture.
Our Dual Language program has been a vibrant part of our community and school for many years, fostering a love for learning and cultural appreciation in our students. I am excited to contribute to the continued success and growth of this program.
Feel free to reach out to me at vchan25@schools.nyc.gov or