Safety at
P.S. 145
At P.S. 145 we understand the magnitude of the responsibility we assume when our families, every single day, walk a little piece of their soul into the building. The day is scheduled in a manner for students to spend most of their time with similar age-counterparts in different spaces in the building:
Floor 1: Early Childhood
The first floor houses the 3K, Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. The auditorium is easily accessible to our smallest students as is their respective playgrounds.
Floor 2: Middle Grades
The second floor houses Grades 1 and 2 and the majority of the cluster instruction: Physical Education, Music, Dance and Mandarin. ESL, Speech therapy and SETSS services are also on the second floor.​
Floor 3: Upper Grades
The third floor houses Grade 3, 4, and 5 in addition to our TV Studio and our Art Studio.

From time to time when incidents do occur, our Safety Coordinator Frank Lentini immediately assesses the situation and makes sure to communicate with families to keep them appraised what next steps will follow for the students involved. Depending on the circumstances, normally any discipline is coupled with guidance from our Guidance Counselor or Social Worker. For privacy reasons, parents are only informed of the consequences related
to their own child.
You can reach the Safety Coordinator by email at