
for Your Child
How do I know if my child is eligible for the bus?
Busing is dependent on eligibility. Here are the Transportation Eligibility Requirements for you to review.
What if my child is a kindergartener or new to the DOE?
We cannot request transportation until students have student ID numbers (OSIS numbers). These student IDs are issued on the first day of school. Once we have your child's student ID and your desired stop, we will submit your transportation request to the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT). OPT is responsible for routing your child.
What if my child already has an ID (OSIS) number?
If your child already has an ID, we will put in a request for busing at the end of August. This can still take time and does not happen immediately, please plan to bring your child to and from school until their routing shows up in your NYSCA account.
How do I choose a bus stop?
Contact the main office and Mr. Izquierdo can give you a list of the current bus stops.
How long does routing take?
Once our Transportation Coordinator enters your requests into the system, it can take up to two weeks or sometimes even longer for these requests to process. The Office of Pupil of Transportation is responsible for approving bus requests, not P.S. 145. You should arrange for your child to be picked up/dropped off at school until they are routed.
What if one of my children is routed and the other is not?
Children cannot ride the bus until they are routed. Siblings have to go through the same process if they are new to the DOE (kindergarteners/transfer students). We understand that this is an inconvenience, but we are unable to request transportation until students have ID numbers issued on the first day of school. Please plan to bring your child(ren) to and from school until they are routed.
How will I know if my child is routed?
When your child is routed, it will show up in your NYSCA account. Please make sure you have an account and that you are able to log in. Once you see this in the system, you should call the school and let us know your child's bus schedule. Your child will be able to ride the bus the following day.
Once Your
Child is Routed
for a Bus
Getting Help
Our wonderful Jorge Izquierdo is our Transportation Coordinator. If you need to change a route/stop, report a problem, or have general questions about your child's transportation, please reach out to him via email: or 212-678-2857.
Making Changes
If for any reason, you would like to make a change to your child's dismissal schedule, please email day of the change by 1:30 PM. If you need to make a change after 1:30 PM, you can still email, but we also ask that you call the Main Office and let Ms. Tuti or Mr. Izquierdo know by
2:00 PM. They will inform the bus staff.
Picking Up Kids
If your child already has an ID, we will put in a request for busing at the end of August. This can still take time and does not happen immediately, please plan to bring your child to and from school until their routing shows up in your NYSCA account.
Getting Updates
There is a school app newsfeed for the families of bus students. If there is ever a bus issue or change in the afternoon, Mr. Izquierdo will send a notification with the route number(s). Please make sure you subscribe.
Reporting Issues
When there are issues with a bus (lateness, lost items, etc.) you can call the bus company. You will need to provide them with your route number, our school's name, and borough.
If you would like to file formal complaints against a bus route with the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) use this number: (718) 392-8855
Checking Delays
You can check for real-time bus delays here, it is listed on the OPT website as a resource for families.
How will I know if my child is routed?
When your child is routed, it will show up in your NYSCA account. Please make sure you have an account and that you are able to log in. Once you see this in the system, you should call the school and let us know your child's bus schedule. Your child will be able to ride the bus the following day.

a Metrocard
How do I know if my child is eligible a student metrocard?
Schools distribute student MetroCards to eligible students at the beginning of each semester, and as needed during the school year. Metrocards cannot be used on Express Buses.
Can my child have a metrocard and bus transportation?
Students can only have one service, not both.
How do I request a metrocard?
If your child has historically received a metrocard, he/she will receive one the first day of school. If you are new to the school and are eligible to receive a metro card, you can request one by submitting completing this
PS 145 Student Metrocard Application Form. You must enter the address which was entered at the time of registration. If you enter an address not eligible, you will be emailed informing you of your ineligibility. Otherwise, expect your child to receive the metro card within 24 hours.
What if my child loses their metrocard?
When a child reports a metrocard lost, the card will be deactivated. Only one replacement will be issued per semester so please secure the card for your child or make sure they learn to secure it themselves.